We’re closing in on the start of the 2010 Winter Olympics, which for knitters also means the start of Ravelympics, where we challenge ourselves to start and complete various projects during the span of the Olympic games (for more information, check out the Ravelry Group). During the 2008 summer games I competed in quite a few events, all of which were smallish projects such as hats and dog sweaters
This Olympics, I’m taking on a bigger challenge – the completion of the Knit Knack group blanket (Previously referred to as the Great Square Extravaganza). To recap, this was a great idea that was proposed in the spring of 2008 by the wonderful KellyD. The idea was simple: Those that wanted to participate would complete a 10 x 10 square for each of the other participants and mail it to them. When all squares were received and then assembled each participating member would have a blanket made by the entire group.
We had lofty dreams of getting it finished by the end of the summer – oh were we mistaken.
Nearly two years later there are still group members who did not finish and send out their promised squares and have no intention of doing so. Fortunately, I have enough of the squares to make a decent go at completing the blanket, so I’m taking a giant leap and entering the blanket into the WIPS-dancing event this Ravelympics. Here's what I have so far:

This is going to be an especially big undertaking for me for two reasons:
1) I’ve determined that the best way to affix the squares to each other would be to crochet them. I am a lousy and slow crocheter.
2) Upon laying out the squares that I have, I discovered that I still am 3 squares and assembly shy of a full blanket. This means that prior to beginning the joining, I have to knit those 10 x 10 squares myself.
I considered the possibility of cheating and knitting those last three squares secretly prior to the opening ceremony but that would be akin to ‘roiding. I can’t abide the unsportsmanlike conduct and therefore I am resisting that temptation.
I’m actually relishing the idea of this challenge, because at the very least it will give me a jumpstart on finishing this awesome blanket. Really, even if I don’t get it finished by the end of the winter games at the very least I’ll be that much closer to a full blanket!