Friday, January 2, 2009

Brand New Year, Brand New Knits

I'm not one for new years resolutions in the rest of my life, but when it comes to knitting they come more easily. Before I get into this years resolutions, let's take a look at last year's knitting resolutions:
1) knit more socks and less hats
I rounded out the year with six completed pairs of socks, one pair abandoned which will eventually be frogged, and along the foot apparrel line I completed 5 pairs baby booties and a pair of slippers. Not too shabby, however I did manage to plug out a whopping 16 hats and 1 calorimetry. What can I say, I love hats!
2) finish or frog everything in my WIP/UFO basket
Alas, this is a somewhat hopeless cause. There seems to always be something in the WIP/UFO basket - two of which are still there from when I made that resolution last year. I swear, I'm gonna pick them up again! This is one resolution that will not be attempted again - really, why set yourself up for failure?
3) knit something for my currently-in-utero nephew before he is born
Ok, so that was sort of a gimme - how difficult is it really to made baby stuff? Cooper pulled 5 knitted gifts outta auntie Shanny this year.

I didn't do all that bad, so here are the goals for 2009:

1) knit sweaters this year. I’m coming to the end of my first ever and I've got the bug to do Twist & Shout as soon as I'm finished (which will hopefully be soon - I'm almost done with the second arm and just have the button band left to do after that!).

2) Become a better blogger and blog more. I'm new to all this and while I know I'm no Crazy Aunt Pearl,Yarn Harlot or Panopticon, butI'd like to be half as proficient as they are!

3) Start designing more. I'd like to be able to put out a few good and interesting patterns if I can. I've come to a place where I think I can start putting stuff out there. The challenge I'm having so far is originality - thankfully ravelry makes it easy to check if I'm inadvertently being a copy cat.

So there we have it folks. Best wishes for a brand new year of knitting challenges!

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